The question is often asked, 'Are there Aliens from other planets on this Planet'. The question is moot. There is not a Soul on Earth today who did not come from another planet originally. Planets do not spawn evolutions. Throughout Creation populations are placed upon planets for periods of time for specific evolutionary purposes. The placed populations are called Root Races. Earth has had twelve Root Races pass through in its Root Race program so far. Earth's last and final Root Race, the Adamics fell out of the Fifth Dimension which you call 'The Garden of Eden' three and a half million years ago and became bogged down. Earth's current Adamic Root Race population is the Asians in all their present cultures. Starrgram 7 in The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega deals with the orchestrated Root Race programs of Creation in full detail.
As revealed in Starrgram 1, the Heavenly Host is the vast fleet of fifth Dimensional Radionic Ships sitting outside the orbit of Pluto. The fleet is under command of Christ Michael of Nebadon, who bestowed the Principles of Christ to you two thousand years ago when incarnated as the Man you knew as Jesus Christ.
As also mentioned in Starrgram 1, what you like to call 'Unidentified Flying Objects' are of two types. The first is the vast fleet of higher level Radionic Ships under Revelationnum herein. The second is the thousand or so fifth dimensional so called tin pots, as mentioned, quarantined around Earth in the aftermath of the Luciferian Self Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus. The tin pots are from the lower fifth dimension, The Radionic Ships are from the higher fifth dimension.
The tin pots are corrupted versions of the higher level Radionic Ships. The corrupted Ships which are able to project fully substantiated all the way down into the third dimension. They were designed to function in all the lower dimensions of the anomalous worlds from which they have come. The Radionics Ships can project into the fourth dimension, but only lower their frequency of visibility to the third dimension, not themselves, as a virtual not actual presence. All Radionic Ships across Creation are designed only to work in the dimensions above the fourth. The ones in the Heavenly Host were specifically designed to work as special cases within a planetary Fourth Dimensional frequency such as on Earth as integral adjuncts in the official Rebellion cleanup called Armageddon.
When Christ Michael of Nebadon officially ended the Luciferian Rebellion by decree on the Mount two thousand years ago, the thousand or so tin pots around Earth were quarantined. The Van Allen radiation belt surrounding Earth contains higher frequency Energy configurations which prevent the quarantined Ships from mounting teleportonnic jumps. The tin pots are customized versions of Radionic Ships which were modified to serve the purposes of self rather than cause. They are responsible for most of your so called abductions and sic, channeling communications. Who hopelessly seek to find ways to break out of their embargo through your Human DNA structure.
The tin pots often appear near Earth's surface, in this case appearing as grey metallic like disks. These are the Ufos your Militaries observe and pursue and also keep hidden from the general public at large. The Radionic Ships are related to higher cause, the tin pots to lesser cause. The tin pots are only from this Local Universe of a thousand Galaxies. The Radionic Ships are from all over the nine hundred trillion light years of current Creation. Hardly a match up. There is not a universal fight of good vs. evil going on, only a very temporary minor local perturbation in the greater scheme of things, and only within this Local Universe. The words 'Good' and 'Evil' have no place in the higher dimensions because everybody works with Christ principle.
Therein is your difference. The Radionic Ships are part of what's going on at large. The tin pots are part of this local Luciferian caused aberrance only. The Radionic Ships do not land on Earth's surface or the Moon, nor do they have bases. Only the tin pots have bases. The tin pots are quarantined in Earth's lower fifth dimension and are referred to as the Alien contamination. So called for being modified versions of Radionic Ships which allow them to visit realms other than their own uninvited or by imposition rather than by harmonizing into the frequencies lovingly by invitation. Which is the major difference in how they work.
The tin pots were able to come and go to Earth at will until two thousand years ago when Christ put an official end to the Rebellion. The lower level Ships in Earth's lower fifth dimension were put under Galactic lockdown, still in effect. Some of the Ships had come to interfere in Earth's progress and take from Earth what they could such as the Annunaki and Alien Greys. Others such as the Pleiadians, and Lyrans had come well meaning. But nonetheless being from the Luciferian side, albeit at less contaminated levels. Who were still out of the loop nonetheless, and their well meaning intentions and activities are interfering to a point with the true work going in the background and thus are not completely helpful. They are now being given jobs to do which is helpful, but they are not running the show as many of you believe.
Likewise Earth is not a planet with an population which evolved to the point of attracting Galactic notice, who are now being helped to a next stage of evolution where they will be welcomed into the Galactic community at large as most of you believe. Rather, Earth's population is being fast tracked back up to the fifth Dimension where they belong, so Planet Earth itself can finalize its own Planetary evolution which was set in motion hundreds of billions of years ago. Once Earth's population is back in the Fifth Dimension and all residual traces of the Luciferian Rebellion have been cleansed from Reality altogether, Earth's population will be welcomed back into the Galactic community from which it was excommunicated two hundred and fifty thousand years ago. The Radionnic Ships of the Heaven Host are here to help mitigate that transition.
As mentioned, the tin pots are the Ships which are responsible for all your so called UFO sightings, abductions, and other Ufo paraphernalia going on. As mentioned too, they are also the source of most of your so called channeling events and other such contacts which are occurring on a regular basis with many of you on the planet. The remaining balance of the channeling events are with wayward fallen entities in Earth's Fourth Dimension posing as higher Dimensional Beings or even from the tin pot UFOs. Who want to find out what is going on on the one hand, or want to pass information onto Humanity on the other which is well intended but two thousand years out of date and not apprised of the whole picture.
Not forgetting too that the local plans of Armageddon as they are now being implemented were not formulated until forty years after they had gone into quarantine two thousand years ago, when the plans were transmitted to John the Divines as that called 'The Revelations'. The lesser misanthropes only know what they knew then, and have been able to scrape from the consciousnesses of those they have managed to make contact with now. And most of that is totally illusionary as Mankind's general interpretation about Armageddon is over into the illusionary realms of misunderstanding in the extreme. Starrgram 14 of 'The Revelatorium', whose index is at the right presents the facts about Armageddon as they really are. Similarly, the more negative parties in the tin pots and lower fourth Dimension are completely cut off from source and have nowhere to go for Energy except that which they can draw up from the consciousnesses of those of you on the planet which they have successful hooked up with. Be very wary of East Indian Gurus providing personal mantras for meditation, as that is one of the techniques being used to hook you up. When you think you are communicating with a so called, 'Ascended Master', you are actually in communication with a bozo.
Similarly, not all seeming abductions which start off in a deep sleep state are abductions. Waking up inside a sleep state to find yourself on a table covered in wires and tubes with complex gadgets on either side and shadowy figures standing around in a so called abduction, looks no different than finding yourself on a hospital emergency ward bed covered in wires and tubes with complex gadgets at either side and shadowy figure standing around. Sometimes you are shown a pending dire emergency in advance as a prescience to help you better deal with it when it comes.
As also previously revealed, many of the Radionic Ship occurrences you see are in the form of Radionic Clouds. As also mentioned in the earlier Starrgrams, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of the Radionic Ships now project into Earth's Fifth Dimension at any given time. Their presence creates a magnetic Radionic field reflection in Earth's lower third dimensional atmosphere in the form of the distinctive Radial effects in the assorted atmospheric cloud layers as has been discussed in this Revelationnum. Condensated version of the Ships themselves also occur, but most are discovered only after a particular photograph has been blown up substantially enough to reveal them, The phenomenon collectively is called 'Radionics'.
The purpose for the increased presence of the Radionic Ships as discussed in Starrgram 1, is to help Planet Earth and Humanity upon it through the many significant Cosmic changes now starting to unfold. The question is often raised that if the Radionic Ships are here in such numbers, and if they are so benevolent, why are they not cleaning up the mess and are continuing to let Humanity suffer the way they do. The answer is vested in a Cosmic maxim which states, 'A Creator is responsible for their Creation as long as that Creation exists'. In short, you created the mess, you have to clean it up.
The Radionic Ships are helping you do that quietly behind the scenes and around the clock. They are helping in many ways. First, the fleet of millions of Ship outside the orbit of Pluto is projecting a love field of pure emerald green around the Earth so it doesn't explode while the Stygian deep of negative Nplus statics in the lower astral Hell States are being cleaned out.
Second, the powers that be in the higher dimensions, also called 'Reality', can't see what is happening on the surface of Earth, because they do not have the outer senses necessary to see in the third dimensional band of visible light. People on the planet with higher levels of consciousness are their eyes and ears. The outer world sensory input of people who are high enough in consciousness, becomes moved up into their higher Soul Atom, which sits in their pituitary gland. A Ship will move in close enough for the Soul Atom to telepathically pass the information back up to those onboard. Their are no barriers in thought between the Third and Fourth Dimensions except by preconceived beliefs and denial.
One of the reasons so many Ships are coming in so close all over the Planet at the present time is that the Rebellion clean up has started in earnest and has to be closely monitored. Earth is the first of the twenty five hundred Planets that resulted in a wayward Third Dimensional evolution as a result of the Rebellion, and is the beta test Planet. What works on Earth will eventually be moved along onto all the other Planets involved.
Through your collective eyes and ears, Reality has a pretty good grasp of what is going on on the surface of Earth at any given time. Now escalating rapidly to keep abreast of the changes in Humanity starting to occur consequent of the ever escalating new Energies now starting to come in. 'The dimension of sight and sound', is for real and no longer just a figment of TV.
Similarly, proper communicating is a two way street. The Ships are also constantly downloading new information and instructions into the millions and millions of those of you whose consciousness has expanded enough to bring you actively into the loop by the same simple process of communicating directly to your Soul Atom self telepathically. Which then passes the informations and/or instructions down into your outer consciousness awareness as it deems fitting. Often as intuitions and sudden new insights to act upon.
For example, you may get a sudden impulse to 'Go for coffee now'. You do, and at the coffee house you bump into a stranger and have a brief conversation while waiting in line. A key piece of information which had been passed down unperceived, will be passed quietly from your Soul Atom self to the other. The new party will similarly pass it on to someone else. Though the network, the information will eventually end up passed to the party in California or where ever for whom it was intended. Which for some reason wasn't able to be given to them directly because possibly their consciousness was not yet high enough to work straight up and down on its own. Or the information could be acted upon directly by you if that was the intention.
Something pops into your head and away you go with it, which is good. What is not so good is when it pops into your head and you don't go away with it, which how most of you function today. Numerous of your non-mainstream websites and publications mention the Galactics' who are helping the 'Alliance, who are a group of dedicated people striving to formulate a positive new animus into your current economic and political World structures. The 'Galactics' are the Heavenly Host. The Anti-Christ's pan for a thousand year rule, which had gained a substantial toe hold is being rapidly dismantled.
There is an enormous network of higher dimensional communication going on continuously behind the scenes all over the pace all of the time. It is analogous to the collective body of cell phone texts going on around the World at any given time. Only of a much higher frequency and purpose. The work of raising Humanity into a higher level of consciousness is going on all the time completely unseen and unsuspected. New higher frequency Energies are downloading into the Planet all the time. New thoughts and understandings are constantly being downloaded in your consciousnesses, which can now handle them within the new frequencies. By thus you are rapidly being ascended back into the Fifth Dimension where you belong.
The good news is that as your consciousnesses are now expanding, so are your intuitive abilities, and so is the amount of guidance the fleet is able to get through to you on an ever increasing basis. Your religions use the word 'Apocalypse' to mean 'Devastation', in Greek it means 'Revelation'. Both are correct. The Apocalypse is upon you, which is effectively an enormous expansion of your Christ Consciousness awareness. What is being devastated are your old lesser ways and misunderstandings. By the end of the Age of Aquarius two thousand years from now, your Christ conscious awareness will be high enough that you will be allowed back in the Fifth Dimension as members in good standing where you belong.
The Radionnic Ships will also appear from time to time guised as clouds. Mostly they will appear 'as' the clouds, as condensations. The Mobile Scout Ship condensates tend to tuck themselves around the edges of cumulus clouds in the area, or they precipitate them for the purpose. Where they are all but invisible to the naked eye. As also mentioned, the smaller Scout Ships will also lower their frequency to the third dimensional band of visible light when need be. Appearing to a targeted observer as a virtual bright silver M & M like disk like the sample below. They will only be visible to the party who is supposed to see it. Somebody else standing right beside will see nothing.

A couple of interesting side stories about the visible Ships occurred in the early seventies. The first was in Vancouver, British Columbia in January of 1971. This word smither and others were attending a weekend lecture series about the Cosmic Plan for Planet Earth being given in a second floor apartment along Kingsway Avenue in Burnaby, adjacent to Vancouver.
A coffee break was called and two of the attendees plus this word smither ended up on a small balcony off the kitchen out back. One was a young eighteen year old girl from Columbia, the other was a six foot nine incarnated Sasquatch. Sasquatches are the shyest and gentlest people on the planet. With her hand up over her head, the girl from Columbia was in the process of saying, 'Whenever I see a Ufo, I feel a tingling over my .....'
It was evening and the sky was covered with a heavy low overcast looking like it was about to drizzle. As she was talking, this word smith's attention was attracted to what looked like the reflection onto the clouds of a spot light pointing up into the sky from a gala occasion somewhere below. Assuming it to be a Saber Jet which were common at the time, this word smither immediately looked back about twenty feet to hear the jet sound which used to trail jets in those days before they went supersonic. But no sound.
In gasping breath this word smither started stuttering in excitement, 'It's a, It's a....' Before this word smither could finish, the kitchen door opened and the lecturer stuck his head out with a big grin saying, 'Did you see it, did you see the flying saucer', and went back in.
The second also happened in Vancouver, six months later in early June. By now this word smither was living in a second floor apartment in an old house in downtown Vancouver towards Stanley Park on the harbour side. The house was squeezed in among large twenty and thirty story high rise apartments. Looking up the street was like in a canyon with only a thin strip of sky visible overhead between the high rises.
Around noon this word smither had been in the apartment talking with a friend. A second friend was downstairs outside. All three of us had been at the lecture on Kingsway street six months before in January. Suddenly the street friend crashed breathlessly into the apartment shouting that there was a flying saucer sitting right outside overhead in the street, hurry, hurry, hurry. Sure enough, bare faced in the noon day sun was a bright silver M & M disk sitting right smack in the middle of the clear blue canyon strip overhead.
About three seconds later the friend from the apartment came tumbling out yelling 'Where is it, where is it. At that exact split second the Ship went swit out of sight behind the high rises to the left. Ergo, he wasn't supposed to see it. The third event, in Denver Colorado has already been discussed just after Figure 37 in Starrgram 13.
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